
Prospective AMTA Tournament Host Information

AMTA annually accepts proposals from prospective tournament hosts for all rounds of AMTA competition.  This page contains information regarding what AMTA expects from prospective tournament hosts for each respective round of competition.  Information regarding application deadlines and requirements are also contained within this page.
  • National Championship Tournament Hosts

AMTA will soon be accepting proposals to host the 2026 National Championship Tournament (NCT).  More information regarding the process and requirements for applying to host the NCT can be found in Memorandum from the ​Tournament Administration Committee (above, when available).  Any additional questions regarding the National Championship site selection process should be directed to the AMTA Tournament Administration Committee.

AMTA is now accepting proposals for new hosts of 2025 Regionals and ORCS Tournaments. More information regarding the process and requirements for applying to host can be found in Memorandum from the Tournament Administration Committee. Proposals are due by August 1, 2024.  Any additional questions regarding the site selection process should be directed to the AMTA Tournament Administration Committee.