
AMTA Seeks New Institutional Partner in 2015

AMTA Seeks New Institutional Partner in 2015

Jan. 15, 2015 - The American Mock Trial Association seeks an institutional partner to provide planning, management, and administrative support for its operations. AMTA invites proposals for a grant to provide services to the organization.  Specifically, AMTA invites proposals for one grant of up to $60,000 annually for an initial 3-year contract, beginning August 15, 2015, to provide services to AMTA.  For a further explanation and list of the expectations for this grant, please read the following RFP from AMTA.  If you have any questions about this process or your proposal, please contact Sara Zeigler, Chair for the Strategic Planning Committee.  

For more information on AMTA's Strategic Plan, please click here.

All applications are due by February 15, 2015, and should be submitted to Sara Zeigler.

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